Additional Data Sources
Additional Data Sources
Click the Additional Data Sources option to download and subscribe to specific additional data sources to which Regology enables you to connect out-of-the-box.
Regology-Delivered Additional Data Sources
To download and subscribe to additional data sources that are managed by Regology:
Click on Regology Delivered in the Additional Data Sources expanded menu.
The Regology Delivered page appears.Use this page to subscribe to additional data sources that Regology provides out-of-the-box and download corresponding data.
Switch on the Subscribe toggle corresponding to the data source to which you which you want to subscribe, and from which you want to download data.
You can subscribe to as many additional data sources as required.Clicking the Download Data button to download data from the sources to which you subscribed.
To see only subscribed feeds in the page, enable the Subscribed only toggle.
You can also subscribe to specific data sources by searching for it, clicking the Ellipsis icon and selecting Edit Data Source. In the Edit Data Source modal that appears, turn on the Subscribe option.

Managing Additional User-Defined Data Sources
If you do not see the data source that you need in the list of additional data sources in the Regology-enabled list, use this option to connect and download data from other data sources.
Click Additional Data Sources > User Defined. The User-Defined Data Sources page appears.

Adding a Data Source
To add a data source:
Click the Add button.
The Add Data Source modal appears.
Enter the Title of the data source in the field provided.
Click to select the appropriate Corpus Type to indicate the document type being accessed, such as Feed, Law, Regulations, Guidance, and Ruling.
Choose the Download Method to extract the data into Regology, such as File, Feed, HTML, Link, Custom Feed, and Manual Upload.
Enter the URL of the additional source in the Download Location field.
Provide the Extraction Path if applicable.
Enter the applicable Jurisdiction and Agency in the fields provided.
Enter the relevant master data in Applicability.
Select the desired Language.
Specify the Frequency (in hours) at which the data source should be refreshed.
If the download method is Feed or Custom Feed, select the applicable Keyword Sets and Keywords to limit alerts from the data source.
If the download method is Manual Upload, select and upload the file from your system.
You can click Cancel at any time to discard any unsaved changes.
Once you have filled out all the necessary information, click Done.
Editing the data source
To edit a data source:
Click the Ellipsis corresponding to that data source.
Select Edit from the options that appear.
Update details associated with the data source as appropriate.
Click Done to save your changes.
Delete a Data Source
To delete a data source, click the Ellipsis corresponding to the data source that you want to delete and select Delete from the options that appear.

Filtering Data Sources
To filter data sources:
Click the Filter button in the top-right section of the page to display the filtering options available.
Search: Use this option to search and filter specific data sources.
Corpus Type: Expand this option and select the corpus types that you want to use to filter data sources.
Topic Types: Expand this option and select the topic types that you want to use to filter data sources.
Across all filtering options, you can view only subscribed jurisdictions in your filtered lists by swicthing on the Subscribed Jurisdictions toggle.