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Integration Configuration

Integration Configuration

Click Integration Configuration to expand the menu. Use this section to perform the following tasks:

  • Configure email server settings

  • Configure Open API settings

  • Rotate encryption keys

  • Configure SSO settings

Email Server Configuration

  1. Click Integration Configuration > Email Server Configuration.
    The Email Server Configuration page appears.

  2. Click Edit to change the current configuration.

  3. Enter the required values in the fields provided:

    1. SMTP Server Address: Typically use the format.

    2. SMTP Port: The server port number used for SMTP.

    3. User ID: The full primary email address that should be used to send notifications and other system emails.

    4. Password: The password associated with the primary email address.

    5. From Email ID: The alias used to send notifications and other system emails.

    6. Secure: Select this option if the server uses encryption.

    7. Click Save.

    8. Click Test Email to send a test email using the server settings to your email ID.

Open API Configuration

  1. Click Technical Configuration > Open API Configuration.
    The Open API Configuration page appears.

  2. Click Edit to change the current configuration:

    1. Enter the required values in the fields provided:

      1. Client ID: This is the default auth client ID.

      2. Client Secret: Default client secret associated with the ID listed in the field above.

    2. Click Cancel at any time to discard any unsaved changes.

    3. Click Save.

Rotate Encryption Keys

  1. Click Technical Configuration > Rotate Encryption Keys.
    The Rotate Encryption Keys page appears.

  2. Click Rotate Encryption Key to use a new key to encrypt all the existing passwords.

Identity Provider/Single Sign On

  1. Click Technical Configuration > Identity Provider/Single Sign On.
    The Identity Provider/Single Sign On page appears.

  2. To add a new identity provider:

    1. Click Add New. A new entry for SAML/OAuth/OpenID is made on the page.

    2. Enter the Auth Type, Auth URL, Sign In Message, Allowed Domains, and Call Back URL in the fields provided.

    3. Set Self-service Sign-up as true if the identity provider supports the feature.

    4. Click Cancel at any time to discard any unsaved changes.

    5. Click Done to save the changes.

  3. To edit an existing identity provider:

    1. Click Edit corresponding to the provider you wish to edit.

    2. Edit the Auth Type, Auth URL, Sign In Message, Allowed Domains, Call Back URL, and Self-service Sign-up as required.

    3. Click Cancel at any time to discard any unsaved changes.

    4. Click Done to save the changes.

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