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Reggi Use Cases

Supported Use Cases

The primary uses of Reggi are to simplify finding answers pertaining to laws and regulations and synthesize applicable requirements:

  • Querying Laws and Regulations: Users can ask natural language questions about applicable laws and regulations across various industries.

    • Sample Prompts Include:

      • Which laws govern chattel mortgages in Connecticut?

      • Which regulations apply to credit unions in Texas?

      • Which laws govern online gambling in Arizona?

  • Summarize and simplify complex regulatory information: Reggi can be used to find specific requirements and clauses within a particular document and extract core information like who the requirement applies to, what the exemptions are, and what the penalties of non-compliance entail. 

    • Sample Prompts Include:

      • Can you summarize requirements for Child-Resistant Packaging in California?

      • What are the penalties of noncompliance with 31 CFR Chapter X?

      • What are the requirements for 26 CFR 1.11-1?

  • General Purpose Questions: Reggi also caters to general regulatory inquiries as well. Users can quickly retrieve information like what the HSA and IRA contribution limits are for 2023, or what are the blindness-related regulations in Indiana.

    • What are the exemptions of the Virginia Privacy Act?

    • What are the IRA contribution limits for 2023?

    • What reporting requirements do employers have under the ADA?

Querying Laws and Regulations

Summarize and simplify complex regulatory information

Receive answers to general regulatory and compliance questions

Asking Follow-up Questions

  • Reggi supports follow-up questions on previous inputs and authoritative documents. To get started, click on the Reggi icon to the right of the document, select a question, or ask a new question:

Suggested follow-ups include questions on requirements, penalties, exemptions, and more:

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