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Regology Overview

Regology is an AI-powered platform that enables companies to identify, organize, and monitor all applicable laws and regulations in one location, and then map organization data directly to these documents. Built on an auto-updating legal universe of more than 15 million laws, regulations, bills, and other publications, Regology ensures access to the latest regulatory content.

Regology comprises the following modules that change the way you work with laws and regulations from across the world:

  • Regulatory Change Management: Provides a broad range of regulatory information and insights. An intuitive and smart search feature brings the world's regulations to your fingertips. The groundbreaking tracking and update features enable you to filter regulatory updates based on their impact on you.

  • Compliance Management: Provides a direct mapping of organizational master data to your regulatory content. Track risks applicable to your organization and create controls to manage these risks. In addition, you can benefit from solutions that provide current and detailed insights into compliance program operations.

  • Reggi: A generative artificial intelligence model built on top of Regology, Reggi simplifies regulatory compliance by allowing users to ask natural language questions about their regulatory requirements across multiple jurisdictions and product lines.

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